A living memorial for your animal companion


When we woke up the next day we felt empty without you, we still couldn't believe that you were gone. When I took Rudi out she knew something was wrong and searched all over for you. When daddy came home for lunch she looked for you in your car seat and we tried to explain that you were not there. Rudi ran into the Yorkies today and had a smile on her face. We also saw a white butterfly and thought it might be a message from you. As the week continued I felt as though you were here and pretended to give you a treat while I gave Rudi one. It felt so strange not to be able to give you a banana treat. It's been four days and I sit on the couch and cry while holding Rudi, she's been shaking and also sad that you are not here. On Sunday the 7th we met with Cathy and Lilly at Starbucks for coffee. Your doggie mom Lilly is frail and has liver disease. Today we are picking up your ashes and am so glad we have you now. Todays is daddy's birthday and the anniversary of the day we brought you home. We are celebrating with a pizza. It is not the same without you here barking at us for a bite.

Today I am sad because it is a nice day and I can not take you for your daily walks. Today we drove past our old apartment and was sad, I miss all the fun we had going to see Betty and Bogey and playing by the wetlands. Today Rudi is acting like she sees you in your favorite fields. She also took daddy around the block the same way you liked to go. It's mid April and Rudi and I are sitting on the grass thinking about you. I can tell that Rudi is missing you. She is quiet and shy around others ever since you have passed. Today I am eating popcorn and hate that you are not here screaming at me for some. It's been 7 weeks now and I am sitting in the hallway sobbing. Missing you so bad that I had to call daddy home to take out Rudi.

Today is Saturday April 10th and we went to the humane society grief support group to talk about the passing of Romeo.

Today I cursed at you 'Romeo' and yelled in anger, why did you go, we were a family.

Today is Rudi's 3rd birthday, April 22nd, and we wish you were here to celebrate with us.

Tonight I am reading memorial poems and am crying and laughing at the same time. They are so sad but also very comforting.

It has been 10 weeks and my stomach pain from grieving is slowly going away.

We had another nice visit with Lilly and Cathy. Lilly reminds me of you and I gave her lots of kisses.

Today is May 8th, Mother's Day, and I am missing you terribly. Daddy and I went shopping to buy a corner shelf where we can display all items that remind us of you. We hope that you can see it from above.

Today I found your massager, the one that has wooden wheels. Remember how you liked it when I rolled it up and down your back.

Today it is silent without you here. We miss your barking. Our hearts are forever broken. We miss the fun you gave us for eleven years. Rudi is sad and quiet without you.

Today is April 16, 2010 and we didn't even know you had cancer four months ago and now you are gone. The joy of our life has left. Dear Romeo, give us hope to know that we will see you again.

Little did we know what was going to unfold when we posted the journal entry on April 16th.

Paw Prints From Heaven © 2024